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[Command] Else If
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The Else If command is used when the first if command isn't true, but you want to check for another condition.

This command is helpful if you need to check a number of conditions and execute different command(s) depending on the outcome. It makes it possible to continue checking for additional conditions without having to write a new if command.

Note: An Else If command must be used with an If command.

Parameters Values



First operand

Select a previously created variable, or input an expression, text, or number.


Select a condition between the First operand and the Second operand.

i.e., "Greater than (>)", "Equals to (=) ", or "Less than (<)".

Second operand

Select a previously created variable, or input an expression, text, or number, to be checked with the First operand.


This workflow will execute the first [If] command to check whether the first operand (3) is greater than the second operand (5), and print an information log (first condition is correct) if the result is true. Since it is false, the workflow will then execute the [Else if] command to check whether the first operand (10) is greater than the second operand (5), and print an information log (second condition is correct), then the flow will end.

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