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[Command] While
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The While command is used to execute a set of commands as long as the condition is true.

Parameters Values



First operand

Select a previously created variable, or input an expression, text, or number.


Select a condition between the First operand and the Second operand.

i.e., "Greater than (>)", "Equals to (=) ", or "Less than (<)".

Second operand

Select a previously created variable, or input an expression, text, or number, to be checked with the First operand.


This workflow will set the variable "number" to 10 and log a message each time until the "number" reaches 15 (or is greater than). As the workflow progresses, 1 is added to the "number" each time. The workflow will end once the "number" is either equal or greater than 15.

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