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[Command] Find web page
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The Find web page command accesses an opened webpage in a browser for subsequent usage in a workflow. In some cases, when operating on a webpage, a new webpage may be opened. If we need to operate on the new webpage, then this is when this command can be used.

Parameters Values

Set parameters



Browser type

Select the browser type where your desired web page is opened:

  • Built-in Browser

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

Match by

Select a match mode to proceed:

  • Match by title

  • Match by URL

  • Match current selected page

Match text

Enter the text contained in the target title or URL

Save page as

Name the variable generated by the parameters above

Advanced settings



Timeout (s)

Input the number of seconds to wait for the page to load

When timeout

Select an action to proceed when a timeout occurs:

  • Correct the error

  • Stop loading


Enter a URL for the command to go to when the match fails

Error handling



When error occurs

Select the action to be performed when an error occurs:

  • Terminate the project

  • Ignore the error and execute the next command

  • Retry action


There are 3 different web pages opened in the built-in browser.

The Find web page command below will retrieve the Google page opened in the built-in browser through URL matching with the matched text "goo" and save the page as "Google".

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