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[Command] Fill textbox on webpage
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The Fill textbox on webpage command is used to instruct the workflow to enter text in a textbox on a target web page.

Parameters Values

Set parameters



Web page

Select a target web page: there are 2 commands that can be used to generate a web page variable:

  • Go to web page

  • Find web page


Select the element in which text can be entered by capturing a new element or selecting from a previously saved element

Text type

Choose the text type to proceed. The password provides the option to toggle the visibility of the text.

  • Text

  • Password

Text to enter

Enter the text to be entered with

Note: When Append to the original text value is ticked, the text to be entered will be appended to the end of the existing text in the target textbox.

Advanced Settings



Input type

Select a target web page. There are 2 commands that can be used to generate a web page variable:

  • Simulate human operation

  • Call browser API

Include hotkeys

Enable hotkeys in text, e.g. you can input {enter} for pressing the Enter key

Click before entering text

Click the textbox to activate it before entering text

Set focus timeout (ms)

Wait for a certain period of time (milliseconds) to enter text after the command focuses on the textbox element

Wait after execution

Wait for a certain period of time (seconds) after the command completes execution

Wait for element

Wait for a certain period of time (seconds) until the element(textbox) appears

Error handling



When error occurs

Select the action to be performed when an error occurs

  • Terminate the project

  • Ignore the error and execute the next command

  • Retry action


The workflow above will go to on the built-in browser, save the webpage as a variable named GooglePage, enter the text "OctoparseRPA" on the element named "TEXTAREA" on the webpage "GooglePage" by simulating human operation, press the Enter key after entering the text. Once you click run, it'll give you the result as shown below.

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