Definition and Usage
The Get relative element on web page command is used to instruct the workflow to obtain some web elements that cannot be captured directly, which can be obtained by capturing their parent, child, and sibling elements correspondingly, and is generally used with Loop similar elements on webpage command.
Parameters Values
Set parameters
Parameter | Definition |
Web page | Select a target web page. There are 2 commands that can be used to generate a web page variable:
Element | Select an element as the axis by capturing a new element or selecting from a previously saved element |
Relationship | Choose a relationship to the axis element to proceed
Save element as | Name the variable generated by the parameters above |
Advanced settings
Parameter | Definition |
Wait for element | Wait for a specified amount of time (seconds) until the element appears |
Error handling
Parameter | Definition |
When error occurs | Select the action to be performed when an error occurs
The workflow below will go to on the built-in browser, save the webpage as a variable named AmazonBestSeller, and get the parent element of the axis element named "Div_FirstPicture" on the webpage, save the variable and name it as "Parent_Element_of_FirstPic", print it to log with its link attribute.