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[Command] Set variable
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The Set variable command is used to assign values to variables that can then be reused throughout your automation workflow. It allows you to initialize a variable and store data like strings, numbers, objects, arrays etc. Common use cases include:

  • Storing locator values like URLs, credentials, server names etc. to be reused instead of repetition

  • Configuring workflow settings like delays, timeouts, retries, batch sizes etc.

  • Reading data from files/databases and storing it in variables for further parsing/manipulation

  • Environment-specific configuration variables for easy switching between production vs staging

  • Reusing fixed values required in multiple places across the automation workflow

  • Branching workflow logic based on conditional checks using variable values

  • Extracting and storing sub-values from larger strings/objects

  • Intermediate computation step values to break complex operations into smaller steps

  • Dynamically generating identifiers, keys for iterations based on business logic

  • Global constant declarations for standard system values

  • Caching extracted data from costly operations to avoid re-computation

Parameter Values

Set parameters




Select the variable type

  • String: text and alphanumeric data

  • Number: numeric data

  • Boolean: logical or comparison values


Enter the value of the variable


Save the variable

Error Handling



When error occurs

Select the action to be performed when an error occurs

  • Terminate the project

  • Ignore the error and execute the next command

  • Retry action


The above workflow sets 1 to a number variable named Number.

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