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[Command] Get task status
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The Get task status command is used to retrieve the current status or progress of an Octoparse task in a workflow.

It provides information about whether the task is pending, in progress, completed, or experiencing an error or issue. This command allows users to effectively track and monitor the status of individual tasks within a workflow.

Note: A Get data status command must be used with an Octoparse Login command.

Parameters Values

Set parameters




Select an Octoparse account

Task ID

Enter the Task ID for the target Octoparse task

Error handling



When error occurs

Specify the action to proceed when an error occurs


The above workflow will initially (1) log into the designated Octoparse account and store the access token within the specified variable Octoparse_account. It will then proceed to (2) get the status of the designated task from said account and save the status to the specified variable task_status, (3) if the variable equals (=) "Stopped", it would (4) print a warning log of information Task stopped! upon completion of the workflow.

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