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[Command] Find/Replace data
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Definition and Usage

The Find/Replace data command is used for finding the cell where the target text is located in the specified Excel range, or replace it with another text.

Note: A Find/Replace data command must to used with a Launch Excel command.

Parameters Values

Set parameters



Excel object

Select an Excel object.

Sheet name (optional)

Enter the name of the target worksheet. If empty, the currently active sheet will be selected.

Action to perform

Select "Find" or "Find and Repalce".

Search area

Specify the search area as "Sheet page", "Row" or "Column".

FInd content

The target content to find.

Match mode

Specify the match mode as

  • "Equel"(the content to be found needs to be exactly the same as the target content),

  • "Contain"(the content to be found contains the target content).

Match scope

Choose to find the "First" cell or find "All" cells

Search result

Save the search result as a variable.

Error handling



When error occurs

Specify the action to proceed when an error occurs.


This workflow will open the Task.xls file, find the content of "Octoparse" in the file and replace it with "RPA".

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