Get specific hotel reviews from
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Get specific hotel reviews from
Automatically collect Tiktok user list information based on keyword search
Export data in bulk from a specific task group in Octoparse to your desired format and save it locally.
Bulk download and rename images based on URLs and preset names from an Excel file.
Automates the bulk activation of tasks within a specified task group in Octoparse.
Efficiently bulk stop tasks within a specific task group in Octoparse.
Batch filter Excel sheets based on specified criteria.
Easily search and download high-quality images from Google based on your keywords.
Easily remove duplicate data from specified columns in your Excel file.
Easily convert PDF files into Word, TXT, or HTML formats.
Easily split data from the first sheet into multiple sheets based on the first column's values.
Easily count values in Column A and sum values in Column B, then export the results to a new sheet.
Easily merge multiple lines of text from a TXT file into a single line.
Easily facilitates you to convert PDF to WORD.
Easily merge multiple sheets with the same structure into one, and export the combined data.
Easily clear all formatting from selected cells in an Excel file.
Reads and merges data from multiple Excel files in a specified folder into one summary file.
Automatically compare the data of two Excel files.
Easily delete specific types of files from a selected folder in just a few clicks.
Effortlessly download multiple files from links provided in an Excel spreadsheet, regardless of file type.
Easily sort TXT files by keyword(s) provided by users.
Loop through all hyper links from a webpage, capturing links up to 3 levels deep.
Add prefix and suffix to a specific column in Excel.
Takes a screenshot of the target webpage in the browser and saves it to a specified folder.
Filter and delete redundant rows based on the provided keywords.